Interest Bonus On Housing Loans

We are by your side.

Banco Montepio has implemented support measures defined by the government regarding Housing Loans. We are with you. 

The Temporary Interest Bonus on Housing Loans  is another Government initiative, established by Decree-Law No. 20-B/2023 of March 22, which regulates the government’s temporary support for rental payments, as well as installments of Housing Loans contracts.

The interest subsidy granted aims to mitigate the impact of the current economic context on family incomes.


Frequently Asked Questions.

Which contracts are covered?

All contracts for permanent housing that: 


- Have been celebrated by March 15, 2023; 


- Have an initial contracted amount less than or equal to €250,000; 


- Are subject to a variable interest rate regime or are in a variable interest rate period, if they have been contracted at a mixed rate; 


- With a current index greater than 3%; 


- Do not have any installment payment backlog. 

Who has access?



- With tax residence in Portugal; 


- With an annual income equal to or lower than the sixth step of the IRS Code table in effect on the date of granting the support (currently €38,632), by reference to the last IRS Settlement Note. If you are above this amount, you must prove that you suffered a drop in income of more than 20%; 


- If they are not required to submit the annual IRS declaration, borrowers who in the last 3 months have monthly income from work declared to social security or are beneficiaries of social benefits, whose total monthly income does not exceed the amount corresponding to 1/14 of the value of the maximum limit of the sixth step of the IRS table, in effect on the date of granting the support; 


- Do not have financial assets with a total value exceeding €29,786.66; 


- Have an effort rate equal to or greater than 35% of their annual income with the annual charges for the installments of the home loan contract; 


- If the home loan contract has more than one borrower, the eligibility requirements apply to all borrowers together. 

How is the subsidy amount calculated?

The value of the monthly subsidy is calculated based on the difference in interest between the index for calculating the subsidy (3% or higher) and  the current index  value and will be: 


- 75% of the additional value of interest borne for households up to the 4th tax bracket of the IRS. 


- 50% of the additional amount of interest incurred for the 5th and 6th tax brackets of the IRS. 


What is the maximum bonus amount? 


Up to €720.64 per credit contract (tax benefits with interest paid on loans contracted until 2011 are deducted from this amount). 

How to request the subsidy?

Go to a Banco Montepio branch to apply for membership and submit the following documents: IRS declaration and assessment note (2021/2022) or IRS exemption certificate and Social Security statements proving income monthly payments for the last three months or the respective type.


The response is sent 10 days after submitting the request and delivering all necessary documentation. Payment of the subsidy will be made in full on the following day, after payment of the installment, by crediting the current account associated with the loan.


Once the subsidy has been granted, the monthly credit statement will indicate the amount of extraordinary support paid each month.

What is the maximum amount of the bonus?

Up to €800 per credit agreement (this amount is deducted from tax benefits with interest paid on loans contracted until 2011).


When the monthly amount of the subsidy is less than €10, this will be the monthly amount awarded.

What are the general impacts resulting from the application of the schemes on the value of instalments and on the total cost of credit for the consumer?

In the interest subsidy scheme there is no change in the total cost of the credit.


This amendment to the contract will be identified in Banco de Portugal's Central Credit Register as "Regular renegotiation": applicable when there is a change in the initial contractual terms without there being a situation of default on the part of the debtor.