Appp APProva

Extra security for your account.

Discover Banco Montepio's strong authentication app, created to make the online management of your account more secure. 

Reinforced security in your daily life.


APProva is an exclusive app to validate your day-to-day operations that require strong authentication, including transfers and payments made on Montepio24 and online purchases with cards. It guarantees you an extra level of security compared to more common methods, such as SMS code, by validating different authentication factors.


Download APProva now and make online management of your account more secure.

Step by step to start using APProva.

App installation
Access the application store and download the app for free. 
Enter your NIF (and NIPC in the case of a Company) and your cell phone number.
Terms and Conditions
Accept the app's terms of use. 
Completion of membership
Enter the SMS code sent to your cell phone and complete the subscription.

Inseparable company when shopping online.

It is through APProva that you validate your online card purchases, validated through 3D Secure. When completing payment on the website on which you are making a purchase, you will receive a request for approval of the operation in the app. 

Always know what you are approving.

Have access to all transaction details before approving, including amount, destination or merchant account. 

Real-time notifications.

Receive push notifications whenever you have pending operations in the APProva app, ensuring that no purchase is left hanging waiting for validation.

Mission for two.

APProva guarantees you greater security when using the Bank, but your actions continue to be decisive in maintaining the integrity of access to your account. Learn about good online security practices and remember that you must never disclose SMS codes and passwords to third parties, even if it is someone who claims to be contacting you on behalf of Banco Montepio.

Ensure extra protection for your account now.

Download APProva now and make online management of your account more secure.
The APProva app is prepared to have more than one profile per customer registered at the same time (e.g. one for na Individual customer and another for a Company customer). You can manage and validate operations from multiple profiles in the same application. 

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Open your account online or visit one of our branches.