Liquidity Management

In investing is where the gain lies.

Have access to a wide range of financial investments that allow you to optimise your company's cash surpluses with varying levels of risk.

Term deposits
Have access to a range of investments with yields featuring a term defined at the outset and without capital risk, available for different amounts and with the possibility of reinforcing at once or whenever you want.
Structured deposits
If you are looking for a potential higher return, have access to savings with a fixed term and without capital risk, with the yield determined at the end of the term, as it depends on the performance of the assets that make up the deposit.
Investment funds
Take advantage of global and theme- based  investment opportunities, through funds that invest in different types of assets or in the real estate sector, for companies seeking to ensure greater diversification, through assets managed by professionals.
Possibility of investing in corporate bonds, through public subscription offers and public sales offers, for companies seeking periodic income at previously defined fixed rates.
Financial Markets
Access to the main global stock exchanges and markets, for companies that seek potential higher returns and are willing to take on greater capital risk.

Conscious and responsible investment.

Learn about the key concepts and main rules that regulate the marketing of investment products at Banco Montepio.

Start remunerating your company's liquidity now.

For more information about our financial investments, talk to us or visit one of our branches.

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