Basic bank account

The account for those who only need the bare essentials.

Find out as much as possible about the account that includes basic banking services.

The essentials, at a reduced cost.

The minimum services account is a current account in euros, which includes a set of banking services considered essential, available to customers who do not hold other accounts with Banco Montepio or other banks.

A card to use anywhere in the world.

It gives access to a contactless Mastercard debit card, which allows you to make payments and withdrawals in Portugal or abroad.

Different ways to move.

In addition to online access, via Montepio24 (web or app), it allows you to operate the account at ATMs in the European Union or at the Bank's branches, through deposits and withdrawals or transfers and payments.

End-to-end support.

It includes services related to the opening, maintenance and closure of the current account.

For minimums, it's not bad at all.

To open a minimum services account, visit us at one of our branches.


Who can have access to the account?

The minimum services account is intended for natural persons, who are not current account holders with a credit institution established in national territory or when they declare that they have been notified that their current account will be closed.


In the event that the individual already holds a current account with Banco Montepio and wishes to join the basic banking services, he or she may request the conversion of this account to the minimum services account, free of charge.


It is possible for a minimum service account holder to cumulatively hold another deposit account, provided that at least one of the remaining holders is over 65 years of age or is dependent on a third party because he or she has a degree of permanent and permanent disability equal to or greater than 60%. A person who is already a co-holder of another minimum services account with a person over 65 years of age or dependent on a third party may also be the holder of this account, provided that they do not have other current accounts.

What day-to-day operations are included in the account?
The minimum services account includes deposits, cash withdrawals, payments for goods and services, direct debits, and various transfer services: credit transfers and intrabank standing orders; credit transfers and standard SEPA+ standing orders made via ATM; 24 credit transfers or standard SEPA+ standing orders, for each calendar year, made through Montepio24 web or app; and 5 monthly transfers, with a limit of €30 per operation, made through payment applications operated by third parties (such as MB WAY).
How much does the account cost?
The annual maintenance fee for the Minimum Bank Services Account is €4.16, debited quarterly and in arrears, for the amount of €1.04. The values referred to include Stamp Duty at the legal rate in force (currently 4%). Taken together, the total amount of commission represents an annual value of no more than 1% of the value of the social support index.
Can I purchase other products not included in the account?
You may contract other products and services not included in the basic banking services, and the contracting, commissions and expenses of these products are subject to the same conditions and price list applicable to other customers of Banco Montepio.
Em que condições o banco pode encerrar a minha conta?
O banco pode encerrar a conta de serviços mínimos se o/a titular: utilizar deliberadamente a conta para fins contrários à lei; não realizar quaisquer operações de pagamento durante, pelo menos, 24 meses consecutivos; tiver prestado informações incorretas para obter a conta de serviços mínimos, quando não preenchia os requisitos de acesso à mesma; deixar de ser residente legal na União Europeia, não se tratando de uma pessoa sem domicílio fixo ou requerente de asilo ao abrigo da legislação e outros tratados internacionais aplicáveis; possuir uma outra conta à ordem, salvo nos casos em que (i) um/uma dos contitulares da conta de serviços mínimos bancários seja pessoa singular com mais de 65 anos ou dependente de terceiros, ou (ii) essa outra conta for também uma conta de serviços mínimos bancários em que um/uma dos/as contitulares é pessoa singular com mais de 65 anos ou dependente de terceiros.
Onde posso obter mais informações?
Pode obter mais informações sobre a conta de serviços mínimos bancários num dos nossos balcões ou no Portal do Cliente Bancário (
A quem posso recorrer para resolver litígios resultantes da contratação desta conta?
Sem prejuízo do direito de acesso aos tribunais judiciais, como titular de uma conta de serviços mínimos poderá recorrer aos diversos meios de resolução alternativa de eventuais litígios, como é o caso do Centro de Arbitragem da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (, e do Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa (

The provision of basic banking services is regulated by Decree-Law 27-C/2000, of 10 March, amended by Law No. 19/2011, of 20 May, by Decree-Law No. 225/2012, of 17 October, by Law No. 66/2015, of 6 July, by Decree-Law No. 107/2017, of 30 August, by Law No. 21/2018, of 8 May and by Law No. 44/2020,  of 19 August.


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